Dear Customers,
No one could ask for better customers. It’s been our joy and honor, providing your lighting needs throughout the years. With both health and logistics challenges, our ability to serve you is curtailed. We intend to keep the lights on, shipping from our remaining inventory. But for the foreseeable future, have to cut back on both production and development.
So we are still fulfilling orders, but with a reduced schedule. Times per month instead of our preferred times per week. You can order clips, orings, and other parts. But new products, announcements for them, and restocking of electronic and cnc intensive components will remain in hibernation.
Our time and energy to support products is also diminished. Please contact TorchLab, LUX-RC, and other companies directly, for support with their products. Our customer communities are also still active on places like Facebook.
Forever grateful,
Team Oveready